Writing a Blog

I will start writing blogs more often…. (I hope).  but the simple exercise of writing a blog, can be liberating or another way to share not just my art but the stories behind it.

Most of the time when I approach a subject, or lets say, when my brain finds something out there that catch my eye… starts a complex process that happens in a fraction of time.
An image most of the time happens before in my head than in my camera, even after I press the shutter button the image is not ready yet and needs time in the lab to get its final result.
«People judge a book by its cover»; believe it or not, human nature is been trained for this.
That is why most of people thinks that photography can’t be an art expresion as painting, writing, composing or something else that we create; but the truth is that all this are process that occur in different lengths of time.
In general; photography its an immediate media but not everone can create an image that catch everyones eye.
I hope from now, you can enjoy not just my images but the life of them… yes, these images have life before and after get published.

Hasta pronto y posiblemente hay muchos errores gramaticales, pero eso ocurre cuando uno es un auto-aprendiz
Espero que con el tiempo mejore mi inglés.

Title: Camino en una Flor.
This is an extraordinary image full of details. Expressing a whole world and an individual walking around it, like me that day hiking near Bogotá in a private preserve with amazing nature.

This image was created based on some artistic rules and composition theory behind it. Is very noticeable that the planet flower is far form others like in our solar system but we can see them telling a story of dynamics in nature.
The beautiful creature walking around might looks for us as upsidedown; but gravity for them maybe works like for people in Argentina when we see them from space.

The depth of field in this image is created to catch viewers eyes in to this planet flower but letting rest in a soft system behind. The question might be: Is it life in those other planets?

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